Wednesday, April 17, 2013

British role in creating and exacerbating tensions between Hindus and Muslims

Islam, Arshad. Babri Mosque: A Historic Bone of Contention
·         Pg. 259 colonialism strengthened their grip on south Asia by dividing/weakening groups on issues of caste, color, race, religion
·         “The ongoing Hindu-Muslim conflict in India is largely the outcome of these policies, particularly those of the British during their 200 year control of the Subcontinent.”
·         “divide and rule” policy of British to create chasm between Hindus and Muslims
o   New imposed labels: oppressors vs. the oppressed
·         British gained sympathy of Hindu masses by appealing to historical resentment of Muslims and supported Hindu religious claims through literature, gazetteers, reports
o   Pg.260 including the Hindu claim over the babri Mosque in Ayodhyo
·         260-263 Hindu scripture, archaeology, and legend hold purport various histories of the town, but it’s sure that this was a multi-religious center for Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism in early India, and then to Islam upon the Muslims’ arrival (many mosques, monuments, and saints’ tombs)
·         264 British East India Co. focused on curbing Muslim control from the time of their arrival in Awadh region 1774-85; placed an army there and looted the Queen in lieu of payment; the lands were gradually seized completely
·         265 “In 1870 Patrick Carnegy published a regional history of the area that claimed the Mughals had destroyed 3 temples in Ayodhya and replaced them with mosques because in his words, of ‘the well-known Mohamedan principle of enforcing their religion on all those whom they conquered.’”
o   Well that’s ironic….
·         Another, A.S. Beveridge, told story of Babur destroying the temple to build a mosque out of jealousy of the temple’s sanctity
o   Like the obedient follower of Muhammad, [Babur] was in intolerance of another faith, would regard the substitution of a temple by a Mosque as dutiful and worthy.”
o   “Beveridge thus unconvincingly framed her analysis, like many of her British compatriots, on the so-called “dogmatism” and “fundamentalism” of the Muslims
·         266-267 British encouraged a Hindu revival of sorts in the town by building more Hindu temples and rewarding Hindu landlords and monks/abbots with confiscated Muslim land after the successful suppression of 1857 Indian revolt
·         267 British continuously supported Hindus in the town by supporting their mythical claims over the city as if it were historical fact
·         British attempted to exacerbate disagreements among Hindus and Muslims on religious matters like idol worship by working under assumption that they could not cohabitate unless in separate physically locations—thus the division into Hinde Adoyha and Muslim Faizabad next door
o   Sounds a lot like the partition of Pakistan…
·         Correspondence between powerful British officials explicitly disucss the benefit of an Indian population divided along religious lines—weakened and unable to pose a united front to Britain
o   Methods discussed:
§  “Every civil building connected with the Mohommedan tradition should be leveled to the ground without regard to antiquarian veneration or artistic predilection” oct.9 1857 British PM Lord Palmerston to Viceroy of India Lord Canning
§  Educational curriculum which would highlight communal hatred among “natives”
·         270-271 the claim that the babri mosque was created atop a destroyed Hindu temple is like a smear campaign by the british to heighten tensions among Muslims and Hindus—the only basis for the claim is in folklore and legend—all history known to them and archaeology known to us shows that it was not built by Babur at all
o   Plus Islam prohbitis the destruction of sacred spaces of other faiths
·         271 Babur himself was tolerant and interested in Hindu faith, visited many Hindu orders and palces of worship
·         275 Independence and partition—Muslims fled to Pakistan, including those of Ayodhya
o   Dec 23 1949 Hindus places idols on pulpit of the mosque where muslims had prayed for 420 years
o   Against the law, and report was filed, no action taken by police

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